Saturday, July 18, 2015

Because He Lives- Henry Fisher.

So many times a day, I look at my son laying in his baby hospital bed in the NICU and wonder to myself, how did we get here? Wasn't I just pregnant a few days ago with a baby safe and sound inside of me? Many of you who knew we were planning a home birth might be thinking the same thing. NICU? Hospital? How did this all happen?

Being 42 weeks pregnant, it was necessary to be induced because of certain state regulations. To be honest, I was beyond ready to meet this baby, so the thought of induction didn't worry me a bit! We checked into the hospital Tuesday morning, and sweet Henry was born Wednesday night. It was a long, hard labor, but holding that baby on my chest and hearing his first tiny, squeaky cry made it all worth it.

The next 24 hours seemed to be a giant spiral of bad news and worry. Henry had low blood sugar. He wasn't eating well. His muscle tone was poor. The nurses came in every two hours with updates like this until the last one came early on Thursday: a helicopter is coming to take him to the NICU at a different hospital. As James and I waited to be discharged, we hit our breaking point. We started questioning everything we'd done up to this point. What did we do wrong? What should we have changed?

Now, it's 1 am Saturday morning and James and I are hunkered down into our reclining chairs in Henry's hospital room. This has been the most encouraging day of progress so far. Henry has been eating and regulating his own blood sugar which allowed him to be taken off of the IV line that was put in through his umbilical cord. We've been visited by friends and family and so many have been praying for us and giving us encouragement. But there still lingers that feeling of sadness as I wonder how this all  happened and what part I played in it all.

It's now that I'm reminded of a blog post I was going to write after Henry was born. I planned it all out almost as soon as I found out I was pregnant. It was going to be full of happiness and perfection as I wrote about how sweet it was to have a great, easy labor at home and be able to hold my perfectly healthy son as I typed in my living room the very next day. It was going to be a post based on the  old song, Because He Lives. As I've been thinking about that song while tearing up in this recliner, I've realized that song is much more appropriate for this post.

"How sweet to hold a newborn baby and feel the pride and joy he gives. But sweeter still the calm assurance this child can face uncertain days because He lives."

This verse would not have felt so real and encouraging in the "perfect" post I had imagined writing. Only in this scenario, this real-life moment, could I so deeply understand the truth in those words. These past few days have, indeed been uncertain. The next few are sure to be as well. But, it the midst of this doubt, worry and chaos, Jesus lives. And because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Fear is gone, because I know He holds the future. And that is exactly what makes these hard, scary, heavy-hearted moments worth living. He lives.

A dear friend encouraged us by pointing out that these early moments are part of Henry's testimony. I pray that God would use this testimony in amazing ways, and that many would come to understand the worth of living life because of a Savior that has risen from the dead, and who offers hope in life by His merciful death.


  1. Henry and your little family are in our prayers. Along with asking his Creator to heal him and lead the doctors to answer and solutions, we are praising God for his life and that He arranged for you to be in the hospital after all so his issues were caught early....praying for your mommies heart to find peace, trust and test.

  2. Ali this is such a sweet testimony thank you for sharing you experience. I am so glad to hear that Henry is doing well! That is the most important. Congratulations you have made it into the world of parenthood. It's an amazing place cheapish every day. I was just thinking of you and James the other day it was so sweet to have our birthing class with you both. Know you are in our prayers. Be blessed by your sweet blessing!
