Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The "Yes" Girl Experiment #2 - Ingrid

 My newest "yes" is probably one of my happiest, and wonderful yeses so far. It has also been one of my longest running "no's"... until yesterday.

It all started when my parents found and nursed back to health two cute little kittens last year. They were so young that my mom had to bottle feed them, and they could barely walk in a straight line. James and I so desperately wanted to keep both of them, but since we were three months away from leaving for S. Asia, it just wasn't going to work out. The kittens were taken to a loving new home, and we were left with only a few fluffy memories.

That was when we started dreaming about kittens! So far, it might be hard for you to understand why this made it to my "yes girl" posts. It doesn't sound like I had a reason to say "no".  Yes, I love kittens. Just thinking about cuddling with a little ball of fluff gives me the warm fuzzies. What I don't love is hair everywhere, people not wanting to come over because they're allergic to cats, and finding a good hiding spot in our home for a litter box. My family had a cat growing up, and he lived for 19 years. The very idea of being tied up with something that's not my husband or spawn for that long gives me sweaty palms. Even human babies aren't expected to live under your roof for that long!

I tossed around the idea of wrapping a cat in a box last week for James' birthday, but decided that the process of choosing one with him would be better. The next thought was to give him a coupon that said "Okay, I give up, let's get a cat," but I couldn't bring myself to make the first move. So, I resolved that the next time James said those words, I would say yes.

That happened two days ago as James scrolled down the cute, fuzzy pictures on Craigslist. I swallowed hard, and said the word. My mind immediately went into defense mode, flooding with all the reasons not to get a cat, but thankfully, it was too late. I had already said "yes," and there was no going back.

The little cutie fell asleep in James' lap on the way home.

Yesterday, we drove to Loveland to retrieve our prize. When we contacted the woman who had posted the add, she told us that the kitten we were interested in was the most cuddly in the bunch, and that she was the only one that purred. That sealed the deal for me. Those are the two best attributes any cat could have. So, purr and cuddle she did, all the way home! 

Ingrid has been purring, cuddling, pouncing and playing ever since! Watching her play with her toys and snuggle up to James' head while in bed made me wonder why I didn't say "yes" earlier! It's been less than 24 hours, and we've had so much fun with her already!

 Ingrid practically skips everywhere. This morning, she made three hops on her hind legs as she tried to pounce on James' feet. It made me laugh out loud!  She is also the only cat I have ever known who falls asleep/ is comfortable on her back. I was holding her on her back in my cupped hands (yes, she's THAT small) as we walked through the pet store, and she slept like that for a good ten minutes. It was adorable. Suffice it to say, Ingrid is the cutest animal that has ever walked on the earth, and we love her! I'm so happy that she is one of my "yes"es, and I can't wait to snuggle with her for the next 19 years(...)!

Welcome home, Ingrid.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The "Yes" Girl Experiment-Number One

I was one day in, and was already being faced with a difficult "yes". I'd been saying "no" to dying my hair just about every time James and I would go to the grocery store; when James would begin looking at hair dyes. He made it obvious almost as soon as we were married that he fancies golden brown hair. Not that he thinks my dark hair is ugly, or that he wants me to change my appearance in order to like me more, but golden brown is just a color that he's always thought was pretty. I, being the dark-haired goddess that I am (I hope you know that's a joke) have always taken pride in my dark tresses, and have a hard time thinking about parting with them. So, it wasn't a surprise when dread instantly filled my heart the minute I noticed James walking to the hair dye isle while we were at the grocery store two days ago. He was the one who was surprised, however, at the first word I uttered when he asked me for the seemingly millionth time if I wanted to dye my hair: "yes". It felt good to see his happily surprised face when he heard my answer. It felt good to be a "yes" girl. But at the same time, I regretted the word.

remember when this happened??
Remember my new motto? "Have fun at the 'yes'". It might be worded better to say, "Choose joy at the  'yes'". As it turns out, this motto is a LOT easier said than done. I could think of a million reasons NOT to dye my hair. I liked it dark. I'd already dyed it red (a dark, subtle red, remember). It was just growing back to it's natural state after the pixie cut!! But, as promised, I began counting the reasons to say "yes", and soon my anxious, half -"yes", became (after a good long time of reasoning with myself, mind you) an excited, %100 "yes!" After all, why shouldn't I try to please my husband? I know that he likes golden brown hair, and I also know that, for both selfless and selfish reasons I want to be as lovely as I possibly can be in his eyes. So why not put two and two together and do the darn thing?!? Well, that's exactly what I did. We bought the box of dye, and went home. After finishing James' cake (did I mention that that was on his birthday?), we went to the bathroom and doused my hair with the stuff.

As it turns out, golden brown is not that different from dark brown. Especially if your hair is so dark that it renders the dye basically useless. And also when you only use half of the bottle. User's error, I guess.

So it seems that all that fretting was for nothing. But I'll have you know that we WILL be trying the dye again in hope of a better, more golden result. I was really disappointed to see my natural hair color (albeit with a tinge of golden shine  if you really look at it) after it was all over. I wanted my "yes" to actually be a "yes"! But soon we'll try it again, and with some luck (and a better look at the instructions), my hair will be golden brown in no time!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Yes Girl - An Experiment

 My husband often talks with me about how glad he is that we are a "yes" couple.  He says that it conveys our love for the people we have in our lives, and our determination to be intentional with those relationships. I like the sound of that too. More than that, I know how wonderful it feels to be said "yes" to. We love having people over, and when we extend an invitation and it's accepted, we feel loved ourselves.

However, I sometimes laugh to myself when James makes his remark about our being a "yes" couple. I am NOT a "yes" person. When I am invited to do something last-minute, or even far in advance, my reaction is almost always a big, resounding no. Even when James asks me to cut his hair (which happens about every 3 weeks),  I immediately respond with my gut reaction: "NO!!!"

I received some advice from a wise woman the week before my wedding. The "Moms" in my life were sharing what they'd learned over their years of marriage, and this particular lady said, "Be a 'yes' girl". At the time, I didn't know how many aspects of life this piece of advice would speak into. I now know that being a 'yes' girl isn't just about saying the word, it's also about living it out.

This past weekend I've found myself being quite "no"ish. In one particular instance, I found myself wondering why James (who was wanting us to say "yes" to something) cared so much about agreeing to this outing. The big, pointing finger in my mind was then turned around. Why did I care so much about NOT going? Thankfully, I was able to squeak out a "yes", and though it was an unhappy, and begrudging "yes" at the time, we had a wonderful time when we finally found ourselves with the people who had invited us. That got me thinking. Why do I feel the need to say "no" to so many things? Not just invitations, but the little, everyday things that James mentions to me.

Sure, I've said "yes" to a few, really big decisions. "Yes" to South Asia, "yes" to This Is Church, but do I say "yes" to those little things that are scattered throughout our day? Jesus tells me in His word that if I am faithful in even the little things, that I will be faithful with bigger things. (Lk 16:10) Not vice versa.

So, how do you become faithful at things that you are really, REALLY bad at? Practice. So, for the rest of this month, I am going to practice being a "yes" girl. Not just to outings, or invitations, but to everything. 

I'm going to be honest, this is going to be soooo hard! Practice for becoming a "yes" girl means shutting up the voice inside that screams the reasons why certain things are a bad idea. It also means that whatever I think is best is going to take a back seat for a while. In essence, I will be laying myself down. Huh, it doesn't sound that crazy when I word it like that, does it? After all, I'm pretty sure that "laying myself down" was a part of the vows that I made before God, my husband, and many of you at my wedding day. Not to mention that it's encouraged in the Bible.

This is how I expect my "yes" to feel!
As it turns out, "yes" isn't only a word. It's also an attitude. If I say that I want to be a "yes" girl, then I can't shuffle my feet and pout whenever I agree to something I don't actually want to do; that could be harder on the both of us than if I had said "no" in the first place. The real "yes" happens when I take a step back, examine the reasons why I want to say no, and, in humility, choose joy in my "yes".

So, here I go, off to start my journey of becoming a "yes" girl. Before I start, I want to make 3 things clear to you... and myself.

1. Obviously, I'm not going to be in a cage. Laying myself down for my husband doesn't mean forgetting my needs, but understanding that my "wants" are negotiable. I'm going to be able to "state my case" if there's something I feel adamant about, but in most cases, I think I will find that when I really take a look at my own reasoning, I will see things that are generally shallow, selfish and unhelpful.

2. I'm NOT doing this so that my husband will see me laying myself down, and think, "Wow, I should really do what she wants this time".  If I've learned anything in my marriage, it's that these unspoken expectations are poison to a relationship. Also, if I'm only doing this experiment so that I'll get more of what I want, that's the opposite effect that needs to happen. This is about laying myself down, not sneakily building myself up.

3. This is not going to be sad. I'm not coming into this decision with tears and "woe is me"'s. There is joy in choosing "yes".  I'm an odd person in that, when I arrive at any event, I have a great time whether I originally wanted to go or not. So why not start having fun right away? Have fun at the "yes": that's my new motto.

I'll be journalling as I conduct this experiment, and will post updates when I reach any extraordinary discoveries. I expect to find a deep joy in being a "yes" girl. I also expect to be the owner of a cat before this is all over. I'll let you know how it all turns out!

May Jesus be glorified by this experiment both in my "yes" and in my marriage. In reality, it will be His beautiful and perfect "yes" that will be coming out of my sinful, dirty mouth. Be lifted high, Savior.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Same Journey-New Adventure

It was the night of our farewell party that I received an amazing encouragement from a friend. We were saying goodbye to many dear friends the week before we began our journey to S. Asia. This friend said that, while James and I were being prayed over, God had given her a picture for our future. The picture was of a fox looking intently into the distance, its ears perked with anticipation. The interpretation of this beautiful picture was simple: If we would intentionally seek God's will for our future, if we would perk our ears intently and wait for His call, He would be faithful to show us His plans for our future. 

You have to understand, at that point the only thing we knew was that God had called us to serve in S. Asia for six months. When people asked us what our plans were after those six months, our answer was usually something like, "uhh... I don't know... find something else to do, I guess." As believers, we knew that whatever we did would include sharing the gospel with those around us, but we had little to no idea about how that was going to look. And then, through my friend, God gave us a beautiful promise.  We just needed to focus intently on His purpose, and He would show us and lead us according to His plan for our lives. 

What a relief! To know that the God who orchestrated our journey to S. Asia would STILL be leading and using us even after those six months was over!

So, perk we did, and the vision that God has given us for our new ministry is more beautiful than we ever could have imagined!

Long before James knew we would travel to S. Asia, long before he met me, God had planted in him a love for His word, a talent for teaching it to others, and a zeal to see Christ worshipped as King in purity and in truth. That love, talent and zeal that God has so beautifully cultivated is what has brought us to this point of starting a church!

This Is Church will be a church that focuses on growing the inner heart of a church instead of growing outwardly. Rather than trying to rack up the numbers of attendance, the passion of This Is Church is to cultivate maturity in each of its members so that they can lead their everyday lives as if it's their personal ministry-which it is. Everyday, we meet hurting, lonely people, and the people at This Is Church will be fully equipped to minister to those people. Not just to give them a smile, or to encourage them on the surface level, but to share the truth of the Gospel with them, that they might have new life in Jesus Christ. As our members live their lives as their personal ministries, sharing the gospel with those around them, it is inevitable that This Is Church will grow. Not just grow, though. This Is Church will become a body of believers that affects the entire world because of its dedication to sharing the gospel and living for Jesus in a way that has often been forgotten and passed off as radical. For more information about This Is Church, you can visit our website (yes, we have a website!):

As always, thank you for your prayers and support. It means so much to us that we have such a loving family of supporters that are with us on this journey! 

Looking forward to filling you in on what's to come,
The Everetts

Monday, July 14, 2014

Now What?-The Return

Things are a little different here in America. I am daily reminded of the past six months by things I see around me, but the similarities are small. The stray dogs of S. Asia have turned into pets behind every chain-linked fence. The beggars in the traffic circle have become men and women with cardboard signs. Here in America, the rich are even more rich; the poor are a little less poor. Yet, two things remain: God is still King and people will be lost unless they hear about Him. James and I firmly believe that, just like the day we arrived in S. Asia, we are here for the purpose of sharing with those people. I would go as far as to say that that is the reason we're alive

That purpose is what James and I will be pursuing for the next season of our lives. What really resonated with me while living in S. Asia was how easy it would be to do what I was doing there back in my home town. I remember catching myself thinking, "If only I were back in Greeley. Then I could actually communicate my heart- God's heart- to people." Of course, that was early on in our time when I had had barely any language training under my belt(and trust me, God did plenty of wonderful things even with the language barrier!), but it made me realize how much I had taken my heart language for granted in America. I will not make that mistake again. I bear in my heart the most important message human ears will ever hear, and I will not forget what a gift it is to live in a town where people speak the same language as me. James and I have come back with the purpose of doing the same thing we've been doing for the past six months-except in America. 

This realization has brought us almost to the same exact point in which we were standing the few weeks leading up to our departure to S. Asia. We're not sure where we will live, where our funds will come from, or even what our day-to-day lives will look like. My Israelite's heart wants to panic. I know I just saw God part the waters of the Red Sea, but part of me just wants to turn to the idol of self-reliance and comfort as I wait here at the bottom of this mountain. It amazes me how many times those silly people turned and complained against the God who had JUST provided them with something amazing. No wonder the psalms are filled with the word "remember". "I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your wonders of old," says Psalm 77:11. When I read my past posts like the one from April, I am reminded of the deeds and wonders of old. I am reminded of God's provision of a place (two, actually) to live, of the exact amount of funds needed to live overseas, and of the clear purpose in our day-to-day lives which we were shown. Remembering those things brings me to a state of humility in front of the God who I am crying out to for manna...then water...then quail. It also brings me into deeper state of praise. I can praise Him for what He's done, and also what He will do because He is worthy of that as well. 

The human nature in us wants to be ashamed of talking to people about our future here in Greeley. "Well, we're not sure where we're going to live, or where our income will come from, but we know what God wants us to do and we're going to do it." That's not exactly what people will be expecting to hear when they ask us what we're "up to" these days. Nevertheless, after all that we've seen and experienced of God's goodness and faithfulness, how can we say anything else? Regardless of what Satan wants us to believe, it's not what others think of us that matters. God has given us a clear calling for our Everett day life (even more details to come later), and has asked us to follow Him in blind obedience.Will we forget His past goodness and turn to those idols of self-reliance and comfort? No, thanks. Lord, that we would be faithful only to You each and every day for the rest of our lives. Amen

Monday, June 23, 2014

7-Ready...kind of

There are seven days left until James and I get on a plane and fly back to America. Things here are coming to a close, and it seems absolutely impossible! If you read my last blog you'll already know this, but my feelings about leaving are like a big 'ol pot of hot chili...mixed. Hmm that doesn't seem like the right simile to use... maybe, "like a salad bowl of home-grown greens...mixed." Unfortunately, I'm craving chili right now, so we're going to stick with that one. 

In the last blog, I spent a lot of time talking about what and who I am going to miss here. It's all still true. But, with the end in sight, I can't help but feel small little excitements bubbling up in my heart. Here's a list (in no particular order...) of things that I'm all-too-excited to experience in the first week or so of our homecoming. 
Addie and Noah

#1. Family time. These little sweeties will be visiting my parents when we get home, and I can. not. wait to see them! I love being their aunt and can't wait to hear their giggles and funny jokes again. They've also loved James from the minute they met him 2 years ago, and it's one of my greatest joys watching the three of them play together! I've also been informed that, aside from the four Kosieks coming for a visit, we can also expect to see my second sister, Anna around that time as well! It'll be a sister reunion! I'm just pretty excited about seeing people in general. Friends, family... I'm excited!

James took this beautiful photo on the most
bitter-cold day of the season last winter.
Isn't it sweet?

                                                        #2. WEDDING TIME!!! Brandon and Kate got engaged shortly before we left for S. Asia, and attending their wedding (James will be a groomsman!) will be one of the first things we get to do state-side! They have both been two of James' dear friends for years, and I'm so bless*d to claim them as friends now, too! They have spread the love of Chr*st so well in their own individual lives, and I can't wait to see how they shine even more as a married couple!  

#3. Min*stry. ( I know earlier told you that I was listing these in no particular order, but this one is definitely what I'm looking forward to most!) The last verse of Açts 12 talks about a time when Paul and Barnabas' min*stry in a certain city came to a close. Two verses later, the H0ly Sp*rit was calling them out again to a new city. That's how James and I see our time here. Yes, we are leaving, but our min*stry is not over. Because we're followers of Jesµs, we know that wherever we go, there will always be an opportunity-a call, even-to spread His great name. For a little bit, that min*stry will consist of Lµke8:39-ing: we just want to return and declare how much G0d has done for us! I had a dear friend tell me at our send-off party back in January that she felt like G0d was telling us that He would give us a vision of min*stry for when we got back. And what a vision it is! I don't want to go into too many details yet-that's a whole other post- but rest assured, G0d is fulfilling the words He gave us through our friend almost 6 months ago! Pra*se the L0rd!

So, those are just a few things I am excited about. A few honorable mentions would be, of course, eating Lucky Charms cereal, and having Zuppa Toscana soup from Olive Garden. I don't even need to mention the breadsticks. But I would give up a lifetime's worth of breadsticks (and more) if it meant I got to see a country changed because of the name of Jesµs. Those small pleasures are nothing in comparison to the need for a Sav*or that spans across the globe. That's what makes it so hard to leave. That's what will make re-adjusting to America so difficult. I have been changed by this country. Not only by seeing the need, but also by seeing G0d's mighty hand at work. It's a good change. When I think about it, I almost don't want to "re-adjust" to life in America at all. I want this change, this desire and zeal for G0d's kingdom to always be at the front of my mind and on the tip of my tongue. 

Please pr*y this over me. That, as we go back to a world of smart phones, giant grocery stores, and more food choices than I could decide between, that I would remember all that I've learned here about what it really means to follow Jesµs. That I would be forever changed and never grow numb or comfortable for as long as I live.

Never stop pr*ying for the people we've met here. Those who have heard and will continue to encounter Truth even after we're gone. Never stop pr*ying for this country and its people. Ask the L0rd of the harvest to send workers, for they are oh so few. G0d's kingdom come, G0d's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Am∑n.

One more small request: James is feeling a little bit horrible today. Please pr*y that the L0rd would heal him before our long flight next monday. It's hard enough to sit for so long-I couldn't imagine having to make the trip while being sick. Thanks :) (In the future, I'm going to be able to look back at these posts and see how G0d has answered all of these pr*yers. Pra*se Him in advance for His mighty works!) 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

June First-Lasts

This morning, my alarm went off as usual, and-as usual-I pushed the snooze button to sleep for five more minutes. I was awakened after only two minutes by one small thought that sent my head whirling: It's June First. Can it be that our five-and-a-half months of serving overseas has dwindled down to a measly twenty-nine days? At first, I thought that my heart would be happy to hear this news, but that wasn't the case. 

All morning, I've been thinking of friends I've talked to who have yet to receive the saving love of our Sav*or, and of the fellowship I've been able to have with other bel*evers here, and my heart just breaks. Like Mary at the tomb, I just want to fall to the ground and shed tears over what I'm losing as I look into the dark space. For Mary, that dark space was the mysteriously empty tomb. For me, it's June 30th-our departure date. How sorrowful among women we would both be had Mary not encountered Jesµs that morning! Her story reminds me that there's more going on here than what I can see. You see, Mary's sorrow (as mine is today) was based off of what her human mind could comprehend. It was only when Jesµs came to her and called her by name that her eyes were opened to the glorious plan of Our Father! Because of her experience, I know that that same plan is the one that is guiding my life today. G0d's plan to save the lost brought us to South Asia, and is sending us home at the end of this month. Of this I am confident, and that's why I can rejoice! 

There are a lot of "lasts" that we will be experiencing (last conversations, last village trip, last cup of delicious coffee...), but we know that G0d has it all under control! Praise be to Him!!

Please continue to pr*y for those friends who are being sought after by G0d and that His timing would be perfect in their lives. Also, pray for us, that we can fa*thfully continue to "run the race" all the way to the finish line!

Some of you might be wondering, "What do James and Ali do for fun?" or, "Do they ever have free time?" You will be interested to know that we are knee-deep in writing the second chapter of a novel! The idea came from James' ever-imaginative and amazing mind. About a month ago, he showed us (me, Ryan and Cameron) a picture of a superhero he created named Wolfman. After seeing that first picture, the four of us sat around the dinner table and excitedly discussed Wolfman's backstory. What would he be like? What would be that tragic happenstance that would draw him to a life of fighting crime? Who is his worst enemy? It was not long after the second conversation of that kind that James was choreographing fight scenes. He would do one move at a time, and I would excitedly type them out for Wolfman to use in defense against his foes. Needless to say, this novel is going to be pretty amazing, and I hope that you are as excited about it was the rest of us are. I look forward to telling you more about Wolfman as he progresses... who knows? Maybe someday you'll even be holding a hard copy of it in your hands in the middle of Barnes&Noble. You'll smile to yourself as your thumb runs over the gold "Best Book Ever Award" sticker on the top right corner and think to yourself, "they did it." ...Or maybe not. 

Obviously, that's not all we do in our free time (otherwise there would be more than two chapters written...), but that example was to give you a little taste of our lives here. :) 

Until next time. We love you.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Seasons - In and Out

Well, it's officially hot. At the beginning of our time here, we would sometimes comment on the warmth of the day. The response would always be, "you just wait, it gets WAY hotter!" Turns out, they were right. We've been experiencing this "summer" weather for a little over a month now. Just a few days ago, this city hit its highest temperature in fifty years! I have never more appreciated a cool drink of water, or the work of a rickshaw wallah! Those guys pedal and sweat all day long for much less than what we would call "minimum wage". James took this ^ picture a while back of the rickshaw wallahs in action! See the guy in the light blue shirt? Let's just say, that if this picture was taken yesterday, it would be a DARK blue shirt!

With the coming of the hot season came the end of the semester with our friends at the university. It was a good semester, filled with new friends and intentional conversations. It was good to see G0d work by bringing so many people into our lives. In this break time, we've really had a chance to step back and see which of our friends are really interested in the Good News that we're sharing, or those who just like to talk to us. Although we love them all, we know that the reason we're here is to talk to people who the H0ly Sp*rit has already been preparing. James and I have both taken this past week to be intentionally seeking out our friends and getting an idea of who's who. Since my time here, I have written down the names of all the ladies I've met and shared with. Among those thirty or so, there are ten who have shown true interest at one time or another. Not just in me, but in the Good News as well. I've been working from this list of ten ladies, and crying out to G0d that He would reveal Himself to them (along with the other names I've written down over the past few months).

One of the friends on my "ten's list" is a girl named Mary (that's not her real name... I'm not even sure if I have to disguise her name at all, but since everyone else does it, I'll just err on the side of caution). Mary was brought to my attention by our housemate, Cameron (uh oh...that IS his real name, but I know I've used it before in my blog posts... please don't stalk him or anything, cyber world), who had met her, shared with her, and been encouraged by the interest she showed in what he was saying. She made it clear to him that her family rel*gion didn't seem to her like it was "the true rel*gion". I talked to her for about an hour one day, and, like Cameron, was glad to hear that she was really seeking something real. It seemed, however, that she had more of an "anything that seems right to me must be the truth" mentality. As we talked, I became increasingly discouraged, seeing that she was listening, but not hearing. 

I contacted Mary this past week, and set up a time to meet again. I knew that her response to our conversation would end one of two ways: 1) She would hear the Good News and come close to (if not, arrive at) a restored relationship with her Creator, or 2) I would see that her heart was not seeking or accepting the Truth of Jesµs and would have to move on down the list to the next girl I'd been pr*ying for. As much as I wish I could talk and talk until people started believing, I know that those walls can't be broken down just by me. Their hearts need to be soft enough for the Truth to speak into. If I spend all of my time with one person who will never believe, I might miss two or three who really are ready for the Good News. 

Mary and I sat and talked over coffee for almost three hours. I trembled over my latté, feeling the weight of the conversation, yet knowing that I wasn't the one speaking. I remember thinking, "wow, this is easy... how is this conversation flowing so well?" Obviously, the H0ly Sp*rit had His hand in the conversation, and was speaking through me directly into Mary's heart. After a while, Mary and I arrived at one of the hardest concepts to understand in Chr*stianity: the Triune G0d. Sure, we know that -in its most simple form- it's Jesµs who dies for our sins, G0d who reigns over us, and the H0ly Sp*rit who lives and moves within us, but how can we explain worshipping all three as one to someone who has never heard of anything like it? Mary's reaction to the explanation was extraordinary. "Oh!" She said excitedly, "I never before understood how I could worship both Jesµs and All*h, but now I understand that they are the same!" Ladies and gentlemen, if this was not a clear sign that Mary's heart was very near the Kingdom, I don't know what is! It was that easy for her to understand something so difficult. It was like her blindfolded eyes had finally seen the light. Our time closed as Mary explained to me that she wanted to believe, but it was difficult for her to follow. This week could be the hardest, most confusing time of Mary's life. Please pr*y for her as she reads G0d's word and seeks His truth. If she decides to follow, she will certainly face persecution. From her family, her friends and her school-mates. Not only that, but the culture in which she's been living her entire life will flip upside down. Being from a Chr*stian background, I have absolutely no idea what that must feel like. Yet, being saved from the darkest night and brought into marvelous light, I also know that this decision is the best she will ever make. She will no longer be a part of her old culture, but she will be adopted into the only culture that means anything in eternity: that of the Kingdom of G0d. 

Mary was the first of two very encouraging meetings I've had this week. As Jesµs once told a man who was seeking truth, these two girls are "not far from the kingdom of G0d." Please, join me in begging our R*ghteous Judge and Merciful Sav*or to show them His truth; to open their eyes, and bring them to Himself. 

As I write, I pray that the weight of eternity will hang heavy on our shoulders and that we will be fa*thfully proclaiming the most important Truth the people of this world will ever hear. 

Thank you for your fa*thfulness. Until next time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Goodness Everywhere! - Evidence.

This past week or so, I've been dealing with what some would call a "sickness". I would call it a "seemingly never ending cycle of pain and annoyance". Pain, because of the coughing and small, white creatures in the back of my throat. Annoyance, because of the fact that every morning, I open my eyes and wonder if this will be the day I get to go back to "work", and am quickly told my body that the answer is a big, fat no

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of the sob-story. G0d is resoundingly good. Perfect. Fa1thful. Because of these reasons, I began writing this post, not to complain to you about my momentary "sorrow" (not to be compared to the sorrow which was suffered for us upon the cr0ss).  I have seen evidences of this fa1thfulness, perfection and goodness in many ways this week (yes, even in the midst of boo-hooing to myself, watching youtube videos, and taking the less-than-delicious syrup which was prescribed to me by the doctor). And THAT is the reason I write. Not to glorify my own sad state, but to bring glory to the One who actually deserves it!

Exhibit A: James Everett. I had rarely gotten sick back in the states, and even then the sickness would only last a day or two, so this past week, James has seen the nitty gritty of it all. Boy, oh boy, can that man take care of his lady! He is an amazing picture of Chr1st loving the Chµrch. Not just the "laying down His life" part that we read about (which, of course, is the most important part... without that, we wouldn't have any of the rest of it!), but the nurturing love and constant care that Chr1st shows His bride, as well. James has shown such patience and sweet gentleness to me, and I thank G0d for His Fa1thfulness in providing for me with such an amazing husband. 

Exhibit B: It's hot. Seriously. I had some idea of what it would be like before we got here, but I didn't have... you know... the WHOLE idea. Well, I do now. And it's hot! The apartment that we share with our two friends, Ryan and Cameron has one air conditioner. Luckily for us, it's placed in the master bedroom – where James and I sleep. At first, we were sleeping with our door open, so the cool air would float across to R&C's room. But after a few nights, we realized that this technique was only letting the wall of hot air into our room. It was finally decided that we needed another a/c. We had made arrangements to pay for it, and have it installed when someone pointed out a recent vacancy in our apartment building. A sweet family (and good friends of ours) had just moved back to the states where they will soon (like, REALLY soon!) have their 4th baby, and start a new job. Their apartment is two floors down from ours, and is complete with TWO a/cs. One in each room!  After getting permission, we spent all day today moving ourselves into our second abode (when I say, "we" I mean, "James, Ryan and Cameron" I was about as useful as a pet goldfish... did I mention how thankful I am for my husband?). So, let's do the math: two homes in less than 3 months. WHAT?? We weren't even sure where we were going to live a week before we got here, and now we're living in a place BETTER than what we were originally provided with. Does that amaze anyone else? That the G0d of the universe would care about 4 little humans who were uncomfortable in the hot climate He created? Haha! Thank you, wonderful, merciful Sav1or, for giving us every day comforts ON TOP of the ultimate gift of salvat1on. How happy we should be to merely be adopted into G0d's family, yet His goodness continues throughout each and every day!!

As you can probably tell, there is a moral to this post: let's all take a little more time investigating G0d's goodness instead of complaining in the face of small adversities. There is something much bigger going on here... and that something is going to end with us falling on our faces in front of our victorious King! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Glory is Before Thee - A New Song

People do silly things when they're tired. In my case a couple nights ago, those silly things included crying big, hot, baby tears (not, "baby" like the cute, snuggly kind... baby like, "you're a big baby" baby). Come to think of it, being tired is just a poor excuse for having a bad attitude. I'm beginning to realize that I use that excuse a lot.Yuck. Well, now's as good a time as any to stop (you can keep an eye on me for that!). Anyway, as I laid in bed, I shuffled through a list of things that bothered me. My back aches...I'm so neck hurts. The list went on and on. My old, sinful flesh wanted to be miserable. I was reminded, however, that I have a Comforter. That the One who is leading me is greater than any discomfort I might face. I wondered what Jesµs would say to me had He been sitting on my bedside. As I contemplated the words He might say, He answered my restless heart with a song. Melody and all, as if Jesµs was singing to me Himself: "Stand firm, My glory is before thee." What a breath of fresh air! I mulled over the words I had just received, and my heart was immediately quieted. Stand firm. Hold your ground. Don't give up. My glory is near. Yes, it is before thee. What can compare to the glory of the King? Can my sadness, or list of discomforts lessen His goodness? It was as if I had been sitting in my pile of sorrows, and my Sav1or lifted my head so I could see His glory shining with all the colors of the morning! 

I rolled over in my bed to where the computer was and, with the backlight set on its lowest setting so as not to disturb my sleeping husband, I typed out the line which had refreshed my sp1rit. But I couldn't stop there. I would roll over to close my eyes, and a whole new verse would slip into my mind. It was 2am when my mind settled, and there was no more to type.  Sure, maybe later there will be more verses to add, but for now, I have this beautiful song that is the promise of my Sav1or's goodness.

Stand firm, my Glory is before thee
Take heart for I AM Lord of all
In Me find joy and peace abounding
For I have ransomed thy soul

He who, for me was pierced and broken
Now sits upon His rightful throne
And I, though just  a lowly servant
Will soon come to Him atoned

Pain hath no fight
Nor death its victory
When Jesus Christ
Be in whose name I plea

Then only life 
And love I find in Him
He whose strife
Bought my redemption

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Balentime's Day!

As some of you may know, - as if America would let you forget - this past Friday was Valentine's Day. Though James and I were aware of the fact, we hadn't really planned anything special (apart from a greeting card which I had smuggled from the States). Apparently, this was a big faux pas - it being our first V-day being married and all - so we were forced to plan a date for ourselves. Ryan and Cameron, our flatmates, made it abundantly clear that they wouldn't be available to hang out with us (they were going to see a movie without us... rude), so we made our way to a nice restaurant in a busy part of the city. James led me to a table situated right next to a floor-to-ceiling glass window which overlooked the busy, brightly-lit traffic circle. It was absolutely lovely.
We had almost the whole restaurant to ourselves (a part from the one other couple who I caught snapping a few photos of us on their phones...the price we pay for being white), and we sat and talked for at least 2 hours enjoying our Valentine's meal. 

Being a bit of a plan-maker, I did some research before our date of some good, intentional conversation starters for married couples. There's something tricky about spending every hour of everyday with someone and still having to come up with new information to talk about over dinner. I had a sneaking suspicion that "look at that person down there" and "this food is delicious" wasn't exactly going to carry us through our entire date. The list consisted of some fun questions, some "I feel *this* when I..." statements, and even some activities for us to do together. Out of this list, we invented a game that any married couple (or any couple for that matter) could use on a dinner date.

I may have started his eyes a little too small..

We had a lot of fun with our list, as well as some really intentional conversations. I even learned things about James that I probably never would've even thought to ask without that beautiful list! Our all-time favorite number from the list was #16, which read, "Draw your spouse to the best of your ability". It probably took a good 15-30 minutes for each of us, and we laughed and laughed as we watched ourselves come to life with one stroke, and then become hideous with 

another. In the end, our waiter deemed James' drawing the better of the two, then we paid our bill and made our way home. We picked up some ice cream from the grocery store where I was given a flower from the door man.There's nothing better than receiving a flower on V-day. Especially from a stranger...

Once home, we found a heart-shaped container filled with candy, two Kit-Kats, and Crunchie candy bar waiting for us on the table with a note from Ryan and Cameron wishing us a happy Valentine's Day. It was beautiful. 
Thanks, guys.
So, that was our Valentine's Day. It was wonderful and beautiful and it left us wanting more. G0d has been gracious in giving us to each other and teaching us to love like He does. At our wedding, there was a board that said, "I have found the one my soul loves" from the verse in Song of Solomon. I'm here to tell you that I have not only found him, but I get to spend every day with him. Thank you, Jesµs.


the game
 ~Start with a list of questions, statements and activities.
 (feel free to use ours, or make up your own!)
 ~The game starts when your spouse holds the list, and you pick a number on that list (in our case, the numbers were 1-16, since we only had 16 questions on our list). 
 ~They will read it aloud, and act accordingly. For instance, if the number they read is a question, you will be the one to answer it. If the number is an "I" statement, they will just finish the statement themselves. The activities are for you to do together. 
~Switch off every time so you both have opportunities to talk and as questions.

the list
1. My funniest memory of our dating days is when...
2. What's the best vacation you had as a kid?
3. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
4. When we fell in love, my favorite thing about you was...
5. What was the most scared you've ever been?
6. Do your best imitation of your spouse dancing.
7. My favorite memory from our wedding day is...
8. What one thing do you miss for our dating years? 
(the conversation that follows should be what you can do to bring that back into your relationship since, obviously, marriage should be and is better than dating.) 
9. I used to always wish I could...
10. What was the best halloween costume you've ever had?
11. Guess each other's favorite movie.
12. Where do you think our most romantic kiss was?
13. I like it best when you refer to me as...
14. What is one toy you wanted as a kid but never got?
15. I feel most loved by you when you...
16. Draw your spouse to the best of your ability.